As of March 2015, an official website for Surrey Moths has been set-up here. There you'll find information on everything to do with the Surrey Branch of Butterfly Conservation, including the updated events calender for 2015. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Blossom Underwing

Many thanks to Richard Bartlett for this image of a smart Blossom Underwing caught in his Nutfield garden on the 1st April (it's certainly no April Fools!). Whilst moths caught on the south coast are often believed to be migrants, our Blossom Underwings are no doubt part of the resident population. Unlike similar early-season Orthosia, this is far from a common 'garden moth', and as far as I'm aware is only well distributed in more rural parts of the county where it requires mature oaks for the larvae to feed on.